This website provides information about the Stadium Neighbourhood planning process that took place from fall 2017 to spring 2019. It includes background and context for the process along with details on the Plan Concept that was developed during this process.
The Stadium Neighbourhood Plan area and adjacencies
A Plan Concept was presented to UBC’s Board of Governors in June 2019, and was shared on this website.
Read the June 2019 Board report online (PDF). A web summary is available on the Pan Update page of this website.
In September of 2020, staff reported back to the Board of Governors Property Committee with a requested status update on alternative development scenarios exploring lower residential densities and building heights to better understand economic, urban design and sustainability implications, as well as the implications on the proposed number of UBC community housing units.
Read the September 2020 Board report online (PDF)
Visit the Documents page of this website to read other related documents, including technical reports informing the development of the Neighbourhood Plan
Next Steps
The timing and proposed form of development of the future Stadium Neighbourhood will be considered and adjusted in the context of the long term vision for the campus which will be developed through an upcoming two-an-a-half year public land use planning process for the Vancouver campus. The Campus Vision 2050 process launched in January 2022 and will update UBC’s two key land use policy documents, the Land Use Plan and the Vancouver Campus Plan.
Visit the Campus Vision 2050 website to learn more about this upcoming planning process and how you can get involved.
Sign up for the Mailing List: To stay up to date on what’s happening with Stadium Neighbourhood.
For more information contact:
Aviva Savelson
Senior Manager, Public Engagement
Campus + Community Planning
Email: aviva.savelson@ubc.ca Phone: (604) 822 0273