In the third phase of the Stadium Neighbourhood planning process we asked for your feedback on the Plan Options for the neighbourhood.
Look through the pages and links below to learn about:
Background on the process
Planning process and parameters
How the Plan Options were developed
The Plan Options and their commonalities and differences
Future considerations and next steps
Stadium is UBC's next neighbourhood, and is one of eight neighbourhoods identified in the UBC Land Use Plan.
3. Planning Parameters
Approved by the Board of Governors in December 2017, the Planning Parameters form an important foundation for shaping the Plan Options.
4. From Scenarios to Options
In Phase 2, we presented three Scenarios. Based on what we heard, and through further analysis, two Plan Options were developed.
5. Plan Option 1
In Option 1 the stadium is located in the south, resulting in a large neighbourhood park and reforested area with development to the north.
6. Plan Option 2
In Option 2, the stadium is located further north along East Mall, allowing for a portion of existing trees to be maintained.
Plan Option Commonalities
7. Stadium Location
In both Options, the new stadium is located along East Mall and oriented towards the west with seating integrated on three sides of the field.
Plan option commonalities
8. Housing
Stadium Neighbourhood will add significant housing supply to the campus, including housing for faculty and staff.
8a. More Housing for the UBC Community
Based on recent discussion at the September 2018 Board of Governors meeting, staff are exploring additional affordable housing capacity for faculty, staff and students along both sides of East Mall.
Plan option commonalities
9. Community Amenities
Space for commercial and community amenities foster a more complete community, where basic services are within walking distance.
Plan option differences
10. Building Types
and Height
Two basic building types are proposed: podiums combined with slender towers and 6-8 midrise buildings.
Plan option differences
11. Public Realm
and Ecology
Public spaces provide places where people gather, celebrate, relax and enjoy neighbourhood life. They must also work to support natural systems, and enhance ecology.
Plan option differences
12. Street Connectivity and Access
Stadium Neighbourhood provides an opportunity to improve connections for walking, cycling and transit in South Campus.
13. Future Considerations
How can Stadium Neighbourhood be a catalyst for a more complete South Campus?
14. Best Practice/Research
In keeping UBC Campus as a Living Lab, we have pursued best practice neighbourhood planning throughout the process, drawing from leading North American and international expertise.
Next Steps
Phase 3 was the final phase of consultation for the Stadium Neighbourhood Plan.
Following a review of public input and technical analysis of the Plan Options, the project team will identify a preferred Plan for presentation to the Board of Governors in December 2018.
The Final Draft Plan with the proposed Land Use Plan amendments will be presented to the public in early 2019, in advance of a public hearing. Pending the outcome of the public hearing process, the Board of Governors will submit the proposed Land Use Plan amendments to the Province for approval.